Chapters - Interactive Stories Wiki
Chapters - Interactive Stories Wiki

This category page contains all pages and sub-categories related to the Shaken Dirty series.

The series' status is: BOOK 1 COMPLETED

Book 1 Plot: Ryder used to be the object of your hardest teenage crush— now he's a famous, irresistible rock god. And you? With a delicious new set of curves and confidence that could tame any man, you know Ryder will be drooling for more than your cooking when you join Shaken Dirty on tour. He's always been untouchable, but what happens if he's finally ready to touch you back?


Books you might be looking for in this category:

  • Sweet Melody (Crash into Me)(Ryder Montgomery & Jamison Matthews)
  • Drive Me Crazy (not released on the app yet) (Quinn Bradford & Elise McKinney)
  • Fade into You (not released on the app yet) (Wyatt Jennings & Poppy Germaine)
  • Justify My Love (not released on the app yet)
  • Need You Tonight (not released on the app yet)


Walkthroughs you might be looking for in this category:


  • Sweet Melody Miscellaneous Characters


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All items (3)
