Chapters - Interactive Stories Wiki

Vrimzhanova Vrimzhanova 19 May 2024

How do people create the amazing covers here. I would like be to learn what they do and where they get their cover art at.

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SarahKate1989 SarahKate1989 3 August 2020

Looking for a book!

Heya i'm hoping sombody can help me. 

So  was playing a game on and Android app today and a video advertisment popped up for Chapters interactive. I'm very interseted in looking into the book that was advertised but I can't find it. I was hoping somebody could help me find it. 

It started with the girl coming home carrying shopping. Theres a guy in her kitchen pretty beaten up and asks if he ould stay. Next on the video shes answering the door and there are policeman looking for the intruder and I believe he is a mobster. Unfortunatly no name popped does it ring any bells with anyone?

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